Friday, January 8, 2010

hooverball and deadlift lessons

Last night at 6pm we played hooverball for part of our warmup! I don't know how heavy the ball was, or how high the rope was, but we threw the ball over and dammit, it was fun. We played because Prof. Steve has wanted to play, but I think the person who got into it most was Tony. Exhibit A:

Tony lives and breathes intensity, even in a fun game used as a warm up. Not only did he bring the pain, he brought the finesse. Exhibit B:

This was two points before he Tomahawk-dunked it on Chauncey like it was '93 and NBA Jam was still the best game of all time. Or maybe he did a granny-style wallball that I unfortunately missed with the camera. You decide.

The final bit of throwdown was dished out by Midori. She can be seen just below airing it out while Mike looks on...with some sort of expression...:

On a serious note, I want to provide a safety lesson to our members and anyone who stumbles across this blog. When deadlifting for a PR, celebratory jackassery, douchebaggery, stupidity, etc. will result in you passing out and wrecking your face on some dumbbells. Don't do it. No really, observe:

Dude Deadlifts 329 Pounds Then Passes Out - Watch more Epic Fails

Ok, so maybe the celebration isn't the lesson here. But it still applies. Rather, the lesson is take a breath and hold it for your deadlift, but don't take such a MASSIVE breath that you get lightheaded and start seeing white clouds halfway through the lift. The breath is to fill your diaphragm, not your chest. Take a good breath and hold, then exhale when the lift is finished. Done and done. Too big of a breath? Bad.

Extra credit to anyone who can post to the comments at least 3 faults with this deadlift, other than the spectacular conclusion.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's funny as hell. Even funnier that his friend laughs when he crushes his melon. Hi back is rounded like a batardo.

  2. That is freakin' classic!

    1) Stance too wide / knees buckling inward

    2) Leads with his ass

    3) Rounds his back

    4) Tries to make sweet love to a dumbbell

    I will admit to having done all of those in the not too distant past...except #4

  3. That's one screwed setup! His head is straining up so hard I think he's trying to use it directly to lift the weight; his knees are internally rotated (ankles splayed out under his hands..who the hell does that!?); and the aforementioned really, really rounded back. Solutions? Look downish, get the head in line with the spine and happiness ensues. Step those feet in, hoss. Set the back.

    Although he nailed the Hulk flex-pose.

  4. 1.) He was filmed. Speaking from experience here...
    2.) Rounded shoulders, collapsed chest, shitty form. Basically my form issues.
    3.) Seems to lift with rounded back, not legs and arched back, needs coach badly.
    4.) Blocked face-attack from stationary weight rack with face.

    Hooverball was total fun, as opposed to partial fun!
