Thursday, January 14, 2010

winter open, ya'll

Ok, word on the street is that the competitor spots for the CFW Winter Open are completely filled! We will more than likely end up with a little over 50 competitors doing the two WODs on the 23rd. If you aren't registered as a competitor, please please please (or I will punch you in the stomach) sign up to volunteer or be a judge! Want to help out and have some beer afterwards? Volunteer. Want to be the Alpha and the Omega of an athlete's world for two workouts? The only person that matters in their life? The omniscient JUDGE?! Of course you do. Sign up! You also get beer.

The more people we get there who aren't competing, the better. Here is a clip of one of my sister's WODs from last year's Rocky Mountain Regionals. The camera angle doesn't give you a sense of just how many people were packed into that gym, but it was a verifiable "shit ton":

If that doesn't get you pumped up for the 23rd, check your pulse, you're probably dead. Speaking of which, can I have your tv? Great.

Get excited!


  1. Dave,
    Coach Malcolm here from Run Jump Lift - a CrossFit Facility in South Orange, NJ. I was put on to this blog by an Athlete we have @ Run Jump Lift. Really great stuff here! Keep it up. It is a beautiful thing you are doing here and I would imagine that the Athletes you have at your box are appreciative of this.
    I can tell that you care about what you do. Coaches like you are what real fitness is all about - not the '6 minutes to tone arms with the ShakeWeight' or whatever other B.S. gimmick is being sold on infomercials around the globe.

    Keep up the good work! You have one more fan!
    -Coach Malcolm
    Run Jump Lift

  2. Em crushing those deadlifts and being second of twenty out the door, that gets me pumped! Way to be!

    Give me use of that Lawgiver pistol and I'll Judge. Hell yes I'll Judge.

  3. Coach Malcolm,
    Thank you for the kind words! I hope I can keep people--and myself--entertained while spreading my love of fitness. I can see by your link to the ShakeWeight that you fit in just right around here, keep coming back!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dave,
    Two questions:

    1. Will the Winter Open have a 3rd WOD for beer drinking?

    2. Can I get your sister's phone number?


    I feel safe making that joke because today is my off day and I'm pretty sure you'll be too sleepy to care by the time I see you at 6AM tomorrow.

  6. Matt,

    1. Yes. It will be a chipper, of sorts. Shotgunning, boat races, etc.

    2. I'll give it to you when you can out-lift her. year sometime? Hey-ohhhhh.

    You take days off?! After 12 days or whatever it is, you take it off when we have a kickass metcon tonight?!

  7. Nice footage of Emily - made me excited to bust past the barbed wire in Golden in March! I have one small blog request. Can you please find a reason to post a picture of a baby in a wig?
