Monday, February 15, 2010

names and some "get-some challenge" ideas

All right suckers. A blog post. Hooray for us. First things first, we have some class names! The winners are:

6am is now "Bitch Slapped Before Breakfast". BSBB was dominant in the polls and you can thank Bruce for the solid name suggestion.

6pm is now "Six Shooters". I'm not exactly sure what that means or implies, but it squeaked out a win so we'll take it!

Maybe we'll make some shirts...and then wear them and bully the other classes. I think that sounds like the appropriate thing to do. Not unlike a gang. What of it, 5:30pm?! Punks.

I have had a couple requests about strategies for the bodyweight challenge. What follows is my blanket answer. If you need any further help or are completely confused, let me know.

Way(s) to get better at bodyweight movements:

practice. A LOT. You are trying to get better at moving your body through space and the best way to get better at that is moving your body through space. Fortunately your body goes with you everywhere (I hope) so there is no excuse for not finding time to practice these movements. You can practice at work, at home, at the grocery store, in a house, with a mouse, whilst eating a grouse. Proper use of "whilst"? Probably not.

I would recommend doing all different versions of the movements. Jumping pullups, pullups, band pullups, negatives (lowering from above the bar), pushups, knee pushups, negatives, planks (holding top pushup position for time), squats, jumping squats, lunges, etc.

I went out and scoured the internets for a few ideas on how exactly to practice these movements. I have personally used some of these, they work.

Pavel's Ladder : this is legit. I've used it. It works.

NASA program (no, I don't think it's THAT NASA): it's in comment #7 in this thread. Read, follow, succeed.

One Hundred Pushups: can't really vouch for this one, but people seem to dig it.

Any one of these will work. The biggest thing to remember when working on movements like this is CONSISTENCY. This is the case with all training, but it really is true. If you do one of these programs for two days and give up I assure you it won't work. You'll lose to Betty and I'll cry. Even if you don't follow one of these programs, consistent practice is the key. Be relentless about it. Make these movements your bitches. Put them under your heel and grind them into the ground.

If you are learning the kip, the same applies. Practice before and after class. Ask questions. Look dumb on the bar, don't be afraid. Watch other people do them, watch videos, be persistent.

Also, when practicing your situps, be sure you know where your cats are:

crafty bastards...

1 comment:

  1. I sprayed my starbucks coffee all over the place and got thrown out when I watched the attempted murder cat clip. Schadenfreude really wakes me up! Thanks Dave for the tips on training. I want to attack pushups this month, then move on to pullups, with some dips in between. On the name. T-shirts with six shooters? Do we have to have our CCW?
