Monday, January 11, 2010

always better

The motivation that always brings me back to training day after day (aside from the reasons mentioned in the "why" post) is the desire to get better. Better than the day before, the week, month, year before. I like to look back and wonder, "Could I kick past-Dave's ass?" and unless present-Dave says, "Ah hellll yeah!", I'm not satisfied. Can you kick your own ass from a month ago? 6 months? 1 year? 10 years?

"Better" in the world of crossfit doesn't just mean stronger or faster. It also means more proficient with the movements, more proficiency with MORE movements. This is me training from this weekend, doing 5x3 hang power snatch. This set is at 150lbs, decent for me:

When I did these lifts I thought, "Ok, better than last time. Good day." When I had my coach look them over I got three more things to work on. Is that discouraging? Um, kind of, but only because it's ALWAYS three more things. Trust me, that never stops. But it's encouraging to me because that means next time I have the chance to do them better and lift more weight.

Always try to improve. Even if it's a single rep performed better or a small fix in your technique. Take it. It's what makes this whole training thing fun. While you think about this I want everyone in my classes to start thinking of some goals they want to achieve. Realistic ones. Finding the SharkBear, taming him, and taking over the world doesn't count. That's more of a 12 month goal. I'm looking for 3-6 month goals. Mine is to be more flexible than you. I don't care who you are, I want to be more flexible than you. What? Quit glaring at me, you're going down, sucker. I'll even beat this guy. My dominance will wipe that smile off his face.

What are your goals? Post 'em to the comments.


  1. Goals:
    1. Do set of 30-35 nonstop pushups. Currently at 20.
    2. Push shoulder press beyond 100 lb limit, even if only by a few ounces/grams.
    3. Do ONE handstand pushup without ab mat training wheels.
    4. Get my kipping pullups back to what they were when film crew was here in 2009!
    5. Three own-weight ring dips, Tris are weak, old man!

    I believe I could totally kick the ass of the me of 10 or even 15 years ago. Of course, while I love setting up contests that can never happen, or ones in which I can easily declare myself the obvious winner, I do think CF has gotten me in as good shape as I've ever been in, with possible exception of when I was preparing for nasty black belt rank exam at Chicago main dojo in, um, 197-freakin' 9!!!. I'd run 5 miles per day, lift weights and play with Nautilus machines (remember Nautilus machines?! they look so quaint now), though I had no idea of how to lift properly, and do about two hours of shotokan four times per week.

    I like the word "better" a lot. I am thinking now of what that word means for an older CF aspirant. I think it means adding a little more technical precision on the key lifts each day, and adding to strength achievement slowly, regularly. It means listening kinesthetically, with body as well as ears. Will the 60, 62, 68 yr old version of me be able to kick the ass of the 59 year version? Perhaps, perhaps not. But I'd like to be more technically knowledgeable about the mechanics of the lifts than I am now. That would be part of what better means. Plus, stronger is better too. And stronger could mean in this old dude context stronger than I would be without regular attention to comprehensive fitness.

    And better is good enough.

  2. Let me think about 3months:

    1. Unassisted pullups -- even two in a row will make me happy.
    2. To have good form, and not "push" up the bar on an overhead squat, but actually get under it first and lift up strongly and evenly (no cheating with the left arm.)
    3. Run better -- both in time and in form.
    4. 25 continuous pushups from my feet not knees.
    5. Get more coordinated on the snatch -- still feel like it's five movements instead of one!
    6. Actually memorize the names of the lifts and match the names to the correct lifts.

    That's it for now...seems like alot for three months, but I can always scale up or down depending on my success.

  3. Personally, I'd like to see Sharkbear and Gumby go at it.

    For now, my goals are:

    1) one free-standing HSPU and 30 sec. free-standing HS hold

    2) 30 consecutive kipping pullups

    3) 20 consecutive ring dips

    4) 75 consecutive double-unders

    3) 24 min. 5k (actually I did that a few years ago but wanna get back there)

    4) 17 blocks paleo-zone 6 days a week (Sat. is excluded) thru March

  4. Looks like lots of gymnastic goals. I like it! These are great goals to work on when you're not in the gym. There is no reason you can't do pushups, handstands, practice kipping, etc. when you aren't at the gym! In fact, if you want to make timely progress, you MUST practice outside of class.

    I want anyone else to post some goals they have. We will spend some more time on these things in the classes, but I will make everyone's goals as public (accountable) as possible.

  5. I am fairly new to CF so these will evolve, but for now:
    1. I have never in my life done a pull-up. I will do one by Feb (maybe March).
    2. Trick my pea brain into believing that it doesn't love cheese.
    3. Beat Adrian at something (anything).

  6. Linda, I think you can beat Adrian at overhead squats. I'm 99% certain!

  7. 1 Month Goal: butterfly kipping pullup
    3 Month Goal: 5 consecutive muscle-ups
    6 Month Goal: "Diane" as Rx'd in under 15 min.

