Friday, January 15, 2010


A double post? Indeed. I'm moving this weekend so I probably won't post again until Monday, so why the hell not.

After the first two weeks of closed classes, I reviewed the attendance this morning. We have 5 "winners", if you will. Steve, Midori, and Adrian have made it to EVERY class. That's gangster. Great job guys. Tony at 6pm and Cassie at 6am have each missed one class, so they get a close second place. Ok, maybe that's 3 winners...

Consistency is the single most important thing you can do for your training. Sure intensity matters and all that other stuff, but it all begins and ends with consistency. If you are puke-in-your-shoes intense but only come once a week you won't see the results of someone who is slightly less CJP-like, but consistent. Additionally, if you show up often, I will like you more. No really. I won't like you less as a person (....maybe....), but it makes training you and progressing you as an individual more difficult, so I'll like you less as a data point in my world of programming. We can tell if the programming is working much more reliably when we look at a consistent performer's results. We will alter or continue the programming based off of these consistent performers. The more data you give me, the better I can make the programming. Data? You know it. Louie Simmons said in a recent CFJ article, "This is mathematics. Lifting weights is mathematics, physics, and biomechanics. That's all it is. It's not chalk, dumbbell, or Muscle & Fitness." I don't think our kind of training is as cut and dry as that, but he has a point. Or I might just like that quote because it makes me feel good about having a physics degree. Here is a sample of the programming:

(excuse me while I Taylor expand your last set of 3 on push press)

Ok, so maybe that's an old problem set I found while packing yesterday...and I barely understand it anymore. But we don't just randomly give you tasks. The more often you come (when you're supposed to), the better the world is.


  1. I like to call it "tortoise training": slow, steady, old dude (speaking for myself here, not the ageless beauty I talked into marrying me) consistency. If I may, I'd like to give a shout to Chauncey who reminded last night of the importance of mental attack during lifts, like in wrestling, or in karate, zanshin (pronounced zan-shin....ha!) Zanshin means mental follow through, determination, total commitment to the task. And while I'm at it, I'd like to say THANKS to Tony B. for the awesome and Soooo necessary Gumby warm downs. They're a good send in my tortoise training approach. Also, partnering with Keith this week was inspiring. Can't wait to tell son Carlo I did. He'll be envious. And Big John was fun deadlifting with. And Logan New Guy looks awesome already. What the heck? And Luciana is fun to train with. One of the coolest unexpected perks of the 6pm LimeQuats is how cool the people are.

    On data. Can one ever get enough?!?! Taylor rule, Slutsky equations, rows, columns, chain rule, cal-coo-lus! I have a sweet stats package that cranks out really nice boxplots, dot plots, and other graphics in case you want it.

    Grandmasterdave! Here's the link to that war bow stuff, actually long bow. It is about 4 min. long, and kinda "Gladiator-y". Hilarious, but so awesome. That's what I want to do before God calls me home. Pull back a 100 lb. long bow using entire body.

    And now for the really, really last thing, this morning before work I banged out 32 nonstop pushups, passing one of my goals. Felt great. Shootin' for 40 now.

    This stuff works. I have proof.

  2. Ah, brain lapse! Here's the long bow link:

  3. It might help to do a Fourier analysis of workouts in the consistency domain. Just sayin.

  4. Ha, I like it, Marnee!

    Steve! We need to make you some more appropriate goals. "Wrestle a lion" seems doable for you. Or a muscle-up?

  5. That was also supposed to say congrats on the pushups!

  6. How 'bout muscle up WHILE wrestling a lion? Yeah, I'd like to try getting a muscle up. Seeing Daniel in there yesterday doin' 'em like he was born doin' 'em was inspiring. Glassman article recommended doing wicked numbers of nonstop pullups, dips, and handstands as a way to a muscle up. I'm so open to suggestions.

  7. I agree with Emmy... give yourself a physics high five!

  8. I wonder if anyone else with a degree in the world's most nerdy science discipline (as opposed to the coolest like I have) feels better about it because of a quote from Louie Simmons?

  9. GrandmasterDave!!

    After a particularly grueling workout in the very near future, may I suggest you take us all to see the remake of Karate Kid to build esprit de corps. Here's the trailer ( Jackie Chan as Mr. Miagi!?!? Does it get any better?!

  10. Ah boy ... no sooner do you give us accolades for being consistent then we miss a class! Sorry man for disappointing you! Three days of no sleep, a "recovery workout" that consisted of moving and crummy food instead of my own cooking, and I hit the wall last night. Weary, dizzy and just bone tired. Stephen took me out to dinner...and then we moved a few more boxes, and fell asleep at 8:30. Beasts of burden. But the worst is over now and we will be there tonight!

  11. Hmmm...I question the validity of some of your assumptions. First, you're using Sterling's approximation. Is n large enough to justify this? Also, you have talyor expanded about E=0. Are you in a low temperature regime? Please clarify.

    All joking aside, I just ran into your blog for the first time today. Nice work. Keep the posts coming.

  12. Matt, n was definitely large enough, but I couldn't even begin to guess about the low temp regime! I had a philosophy of taylor expand now, ask questions later...

    Glad to have you with us!

  13. you still have that physics homework!!!! rad! maybe you can help me study for the GRE :)
