Thursday, January 21, 2010

and back

Between moving, losing internet, and christening my new bathroom with a night of hurling, I have been waaay behind on my posts. Never fear! I have a bunch of great ideas brewing. A few of them are even useful. What's that? You don't care?! All you want are animal videos?? FINE! Have at it:

That bastard of a dog is a better dancer than I am.

I'll accompany that video with this one, just in case you were feeling strong today:

You're not. That guy is. Triple bodyweight? Triple bodyweight. If this whole USA vs. China thing ever gets out of hand and we go to war, I really hope this guy has something going on that weekend, otherwise we're hosed.

Next post: Focus during WODs.


  1. Holy crap, that dog is amazing! Oh yeah, and triple body weight yadda yadda... :P Wow, seriously incredible.

    And now, more dancing dogs, please.


  2. I fully expect Lance to put up triple bodyweight plus 5 lbs. just to piss off Long Qingquan.

    Which leads to my next thought: what is the better porn star name, Lance "Major" Wood or Long Qingquan?

  3. Thrasher, you're funnier than a dog dancing in a skirt. ;)

  4. I like Lance "Major" Wood. Strong, American, easily pronounceable, let's you know what it's about.

  5. "it's the Wood that makes it good." So he says...

    I've tried many times, Dave, to make you a better dancer than a dog. when are you going to take me up on it?

  6. Saw this today and I think you really need it on your blog. Weightlifting AND animals:
