Friday, January 15, 2010

stretching, 6am'ers, and you

26 followers. That's pretty sweet. Moving right along, Matty Thrash--as I want to call him from now on--brought the rain yesterday when he busted out the Ed McMahon "Hiyooo" in the comments. Well, this isn't my first dance around the internets, so I will one-up you Matt, and present you with a slightly more direct version of what you offered: Hiyoooo. (Click on him) Yes, it's spelled with 4 o's next time you need to visit the site to accentuate a burn.

On the topic of entertaining myself, I am posing yet another challenge. Keith and I are still locked in a battle for 50 pullups and we suck, so it might take a while. To keep things spicy, I will come up with a quality prize for the first two people to pull this off before/after class at the gym:

I'm looking at you, affiliate team.

For those of you that are in the 6pm class, you know I like to defer stretching to Tony most of the time because I feel like he is an untapped resource of crazy Yoga names and moves, some of which I pretend to care about. More importantly, I want to learn his secrets so I can beat him in flexibility in 6 months. Tony and Ashley G are my mobility opponents. This is what I have to compete with:

(you're going down)

I think that Skynyrd shirt is my favorite piece of workout attire. If any of you see Tony around before or after class ask him about stretching and some moves to do if you have any tight spots. He might ignore you, but it's worth a shot. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from some additional stretching outside of the gym. Once a day after training isn't enough to improve your mobility. Want that overhead squat? Stretch. Want that air squat? Stretch. Work on them. All the time. Whatever is tight, attack it.

I finally remembered my camera this morning at the 6am class. It's on now, 6am'ers. This morning's WOD was a bitch slap to the legs, but April and Linda were solid on their runs the whole time.

The key to interval WODs like this one is to go as hard as you possibly can for that short period, even if you fall over dead at the end. That's what the rest is for. These are MISERABLE workouts. Part of their use it teaching you intensity, so take advantage of that rest and go nuts during the work intervals. It's a struggle for me to keep my eyes open at 6am, let alone put in the effort to do a WOD, so I have much 'spect for the early risers.


  1. For a quick and surefire ego downer click repeatedly (at random or methodically, both ways are fun) on Ed's face. It's like getting ZING!ed by a war-tribe of McMahons in canon. Almost like hanging out with Dave. Almost.

  2. Matty Thrash is the best nickname I have ever heard of although I'm not sure it works for the very dignified graceful man himself.
