Monday, January 25, 2010

hell yeah, aimee

Aimee (pictured below) got her first kipping pullup this morning! I think she's about to rain pullups on the 6am class, so bring your umbrella.

(raise your hand if your name is Aimee)

Also the pull-up front, that asshole Keith beat me to 50 pullups. Last week during class Keith said he was "feeling it" so he just hopped up on the bar and 50 pullups later I had lost our competition, some self respect, and the will to live. I actually haven't tried a max set since I did the 43 about a month ago, but it's part of my training today, so we'll see.

If you see Keith congratulate him, that's a great accomplishment! Here he is not dominating me:


  1. congrats aimee and keith!

    dave, maybe if you have keith hold a clipboard during all workouts you can slow him down and catch up to him!!

  2. So you couldn't choose a worse pic now could ya! Anyway, no on with the pullups! Watch out :)) Next is those stupid double-unders! oh, and I posted some of the pics I took at the winter open on my blog.... ( check em' dude! Ha!

  3. I can't count that high, let alone do 50 pullups or whatever number you and Keith were racing toward. What the heck?!?! I marvel at what the human body can do. And Aimee you rock getting the illusive kips! I loved the pictures on your blog. The fourth one down is very scary! Is that Danielle? She looks so fierce. Gulp. And I think Molly had some in utero assistance on deadlifts, not sure though.

  4. I think Keith and Aimee are going to be fierce competition in the next Open. Great job guys. They are the nicest badasses I know!
